
Your RHIT network username and password may be used to perform administrative functions (like software installation) on Institute-issued devices for as long as your network account is active and the device is registered on the Rose-Hulman network. If you are a student, then you won't be able to use your RHIT credentials on your RHIT laptop after you graduate and your account becomes an alumni account.


In order to manage a laptop after the device is removed from the RHIT network (Graduation, withdrawal, etc.) a local administrator account is REQUIRED. EIT establishes a default local administrator account and password for all Institute-issued devices. DO NOT DELETE THIS LOCAL ADMINISTRATOR ACCOUNT unless you replace it with a new account as described below. The default username is: ".\localmgr" If at any point your computer gets factory reset, then the password for it will get set to the default.


 Change Local Administrator Account Password

1. Navigate to Start menu

2. Choose account icon

3. Choose <Switch user>

4. Enter <.\localmgr> in username

5. Enter Old password (for default password contact EIT service desk)

6. Enter New password

7. Confirm New password

8. Choose <Ok>

9. You should receive a message confirming "Your Password has been changed"

10. Choose <Ok>



Create a New User Account 

  1. 1. From an existing administrator account, open the “Computer Management” App 

  1. 2. Click <Local Users and Groups> from the left Navigation Bar 

  1. 3. Click <Users> 

  1. 4. Click <New User> 

  1. 5. Provide “User Name” of your choice 

  1. 6. Provide “Password” 

  1. 7. Re-enter Password “Confirm Password” 

  1. 8. Click <Password never expires>  

  1. 9. Click <Create> 


Set Newly Created User as Administrator 

  1. 1. In the <Users> folder, locate the new user created 

  1. 2. Right Click on User created in step 5. above (the new user) 

  1. 3. Click <Properties> 

  1. 4. Click <Member of> tab at top of properties window 

  1. 5. Type <Administrators> in the box “Enter the object names to select (examples): 

  1. 6. Click <Check Names> to the right of the object box  

  1. 7. Click <OK> 

  1. 8. Click <Apply> 

  1. 9. Click <OK> 

  1. 10. Restart Machine 

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